This now reflects the fireteams, and as such can be split into two relatively equal fireteams. The US Rifle Squad organization changed to: Squad Leader, Team Leader, x2 Grenadier, x2 Machinegunner, Rifleman (CLS), Rifleman (AT). Renamed Combat LifeSaver to Rifleman (CLS) Renamed Radio Operator to Rifleman (RTO).

Changed US Faction loadouts to use Abb0tt’s uniforms and vests. If you are looking for other mods that fit this mods alternate 2025 setting, I recommend checking out The CSAT Modifcation Project by TheEvanCat.

This mod overwrites the vanilla US Faction (in Vanilla, NATO) and uses Aegis as a base, hence the dependency. The mod also modifies vehicle names and group composition to reflect the setting. So I decided to make this mod! Overall, US Forces Enhanced: 2025 uses Abb0tt's uniform mod to alter the US faction in Arma 3 Aegis to wear alternate equipment that looks more like today's equipment. Created after seeing the wonderful uniform skins made by Abb0tt, I wished I could have a faction of those uniforms to play with.